Sunday, August 24, 2008

Traveling to Daytona Beach

We stopped at Dairy Queen on the way there, and Amanda had her first dipped cone. Bob would not let her in the car until she was finished with that cone. We stood outside for a long time! She was all ready for the beach with her shell necklace.

Amanda did great on the 7.5 hour drive. She had bunny, blankie and barbie to keep her happy ... and of course drinks and snacks. LOTS of snacks!

The scenery was beautiful!

The DVD player is a “must have” when traveling with children. Amanda watched “The Fox and the Hound”, “Charlotte's Web” and several “Baby Einstein” DVDs.

And we couldn't forget the coloring book and crayons!

Yes! We made it to Daytona Beach … more pictures to come.

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